Unsure how to get more visitors to your website? You want (and need) to grow your business but how do you attract more people online? This and other articles on this blog will help you learn how to do exactly that.
The first step is clarity and it starts with you. What specific problem do you solve for your customers? How do you do that better than your competitors? What people have that specific problem?
You probably started your business to help others with something you are passionate about, or something that you’re really good at. You were the “go-to” person when others needed that advice or guidance. So get really clear on how you help them.
Clarity Critical for More Visitors
Your business needs a solid foundation. That starts with you knowing exactly what customer problem you solve and why customers should choose you. Start writing down these points so you can refine and improve your website content.
If you have any trouble with this, imagine working with a customer, donor, or client. They come to you with questions. You listen to them and then offer them Step 1, then Step 2, and maybe Step 3. Imagine them once they have the answers to their questions – a solution to their problem. See them relieved, happier, and more successful. Win-win.
How were you able to help them when others couldn’t? What was different for them? If you aren’t sure, ask them. Asking your customers questions clarifies what helped them. You may see things from one perspective but your customers see if from a different angle. Get information so you can continue to improve and help others.
Let Your Audience See You Are Their Solution
When you know this – REALLY KNOW this, then it’s a first step in improving the connection with your audience.
Then use that info on your website. Announce this so others (like that person you helped) know that you can answer their questions. You can provide a solution to their problem.
Make sure that your specific message flows through your site. If your message is consistent that gets more visitors to your website. How?
Google is essentially a robot. It searches for what people are looking for and gives them good references to sites that can help them. When you are clear on your message and you use that phrase or problem throughout your site (along with several other tips I’ll be sharing), Google can start “seeing” you.
When Google sees you, that’s a major step in getting more visitors to your website.
So get clear on what problem you solve. Ask customers for feedback and tell others what you do on your website — in headlines, in subtitles, on your home page, on blog posts. Use different ways to announce this, but the clearer you are on your website, the easier it will be for customers to find you.