When readers do a search and click on your website, you want them to feel “This is the place.”

Does your site headline attract readers and pull them in? Does it offer benefits to the visitor so they want to read more?

Or is it vague? Do you have beautiful pictures at the top of your site but your headline is simply your business name?

Your headline (or H1 tag) on your Home page should identify what’s there for the reader. What are you offering?

If someone was looking for “How to write a winning proposal” and your site image had a picture of a person working on a laptop with just your company name, would they stay and read more?

Maybe and maybe not. It depends on what follows that, but that first impression was not strong, and you only have seconds to capture their attention.

Compare that to a site whose headline reads, “5 Easy Steps to Write Winning Proposals in an Hour.”

You want your site to be visually appealing, but in most cases words matter more than pretty images. Words tell the reader what to expect.

Headlines should be compelling, clear, and customer-focused

When someone lands on your site, your headline should make them curious or interested in some way.

Potential customers are always asking “WIIFM” (what’s in it for me). If you are clear on what your audience wants or needs you can craft a strong headline that has a bit of intrigue or curiosity wrapped in it.

Make sure you state how your content is going to help the reader. Give them specifics on what you can do for them.

Do not cross the line and write a cheesy or corny headline that’s aimed more at being witty than helping your reader.

Remember the 3 C’s:

Compelling – make your headline interesting; arouse curiosity that sparks interest, e.g., “5 Common Mistakes on Nonprofit and Local Websites.”

Clear – be as specific as possible in whatyou offer, e.g., “Discover the 3 Secrets to Effortless Writing.” Use numbers whenever possible. It gives a specific idea of what’s ahead.

Customer-focused – communicate the value that readers will gain from your website, e.g., “Learn Key Strategies Top Marketers Use for the Best SEO.”

Remember, you want visitors to spend time on your site. An interesting headline that attracts readers grabs their attention. Follow through on what that headline promises. Show them your site is the answer they were looking for.

Have them saying, “Yes, this was definitely the place I needed to find.”