Marketing and Copywriting services that get results

Helping your customers stick with you (and buy more!)


I specialize in strategies and content that increase customer loyalty to get you more sales more often. Some of the key ways I use to get you better results are listed below. 

Green arrow pointing up for more profit

customer Scorecards

The first step is to know your numbers. If you aren’t clear on how many customers you keep and how many leave for your competitors, I’ll help you determine those numbers. 

I use several simple calculations so we know where you are now and where you want to be. 

Even a small increase in the percentage of customers you keep and nurture can significantly impact your bottom line. Let me show you the difference.  

Magnifying glass for website review

Website Review

8 seconds! That’s the average person’s attention span. When a customer goes to your website is it clear how to contact you?

Does your content showcase that you are THE business that can solve your reader’s problem?

I use a 5-point checklist to quickly evaluate your site. Make sure your customers don’t leave before they find their answers.

email with circles for connections

Emails & Newsletters

Regular emails and newsletters are often overlooked by many businesses. When done well, email remains one of the most effective means of marketing today.

For every $1 spent on social media, businesses get back an average of $1.17. With email, every $1 spent brings back $38! (Source: Direct Marketing Association)

Great emails build a long-term relationship with your customers. That leads to greater trust and more sales.

Blog articles

Blog Articles

Did you know that over 80% of online searchers use information from blogs to make buying decisions? (Source: ResearchNow)

A blog should resonate with readers and be a place they return to for more information.

Articles can answer questions, provide in-depth information or share fun tips. I can help you give more value on your blog.

Circles representing content strategy

Content Strategy

Today you need clear, compelling customer-focused content that connects with your readers. Your message and voice should be consistent throughout your site.

Your content should be filled with ideas and information that help your customers. It should also reflect your passion, personality and why you do what you do. 

A well-designed strategy helps you stand out as the preferred site for your audience. I can create that for you.

SEO Copywriting

SEO Copywriting

Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical for websites to be found on Google. SEO is also goes hand-in-hand with your content strategy.

Well-written SEO copy weaves your keywords or key phrases into your content. It helps develop, design, and organize your content to make it easier for readers to engage with you. 

 As a Certified SEO Copywriter, I make sure your content connects and moves readers to action. 

I’m ready to help. Let’s connect to discuss the possibilities!